R/Neelankarai/Book- 4/51/2019


Rescued Dogs and Their Beautiful Adoption Stories


Maha was found with her eyes gouged out of the sockets and with maggots filling both the cavities. Upon further diagnosis, we discovered that she had a dislocated shoulder, tick fever and TVT (transmissible Veneral Tumors). She underwent surgery to cleanse and heal the sockets of her eyes and remained in the hospital for close to a month. Maha then came home to Daaman, to live out the best days of her life. She was reserved from activities for few months while recovering, at the advice of your veterinarian


Naavi was run over by a water carrier van as a 9-month-old pup which caused her a broken upper jaw and a severed spinal cord. These dire injuries led to complications – her jaw was locked, and she had to be fed with a syringe until the time it could be wired together. Her spinal cord was also fixed together with the help of a clip. She is a paraplegic and came to live us before moving to Daaman with us. From being immobile to one specific place to be able to drag herself around, Naavi has come a long way.


Rithu was abandoned at the annex of the Veterinary Hospital of Chennai. Upon closer inspection, it became clear that she had endured a severe spinal injury which has rendered her paralyzed. The suggested treatment for such cases of paralysis in dogs is euthanasia but the officials at the hospital sent the dog to us for rehabilitation and permanent care. With a lot of physiotherapy, good food, love and care, we see that Rithu has now begun to walk like any other dog!


Aadi was run over by a large vehicle as a pup – an incident which has rendered him with a curved spine and compromised the majority of his internal organs and given him breathing difficulties. Since his spine is curved, his lungs have also shrunk and he is unable to eat larger portions of food. However, he has been spending a lot of quality time with his siblings at the shelter and we hope he continues to show improvements with physiotherapy and good food! He has also started to make an effort to stand.


Batman was run over as a pup and reported to us by a rescuer from north Chennai. He was immobile for a very long time and he had to be carried from one place to another. But with intense physiotherapy, he has learnt the art of hopping forward. A simple walk on a leash is also an excellent way of helping Batman to recover from his injuries. the way we engaged him four legs helped to regain their strength and mobility. These are small steps but meaningful milestones for Batman!


Berlin was brought to our attention by the then-representative of the Tamil Nadu Veterinary Association, who notified us about a dog that was hit and was lying on the streets for a few days. Under our care, Berlin was given keen attention and physiotherapy to help him walk once again. Ultimately, our diligent efforts paid off greatly as Berlin can now stand as well as walk quite well compared to his condition when he was brought to us!


Cadbury, who was paralyzed from the hip down was left by her owner at Daaman. Due to extenuating circumstances, her family could no longer keep her, and Cadbury arrived at our shelter. She was a very reserved dog but she eventually learnt to warm up to us and is now very comfortable with her siblings at the shelter!


We rescued Charlie, a Labrador,from just outside a temple where he had been tied to a pole. When we were alerted to his condition, we went to the spot to pick him up, but he was missing. His skinny frame and hesitation soon vanished with the love and care showered on him at Daaman, and he is now a happy, healthy, social dog!


Labbie had been abandoned at an animal shelter. When she came to us, she was extremely ill with various underlying conditions. Labbie went through intensive rehabilitation and was consequently given up for adoption – however, her new parents brought her Daaman.  She had come a long way from being and heartbroken puppy to a confident, playful adult.


Noorie’s heart wrenching story has a happy ending. She was adopted by a group of friends who decided to release her when she grew older and bigger in size. But unfortunately for Noorie, her owners decided to push her out of a moving auto, following which her limbs were crushed by a speeding car approaching from behind. Unfortunately, her leg had to be amputated and she was sent to Daaman. The love and support that she received there helped her in living her happiest, healthiest life!

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